Thursday, May 15, 2008

Getting this blogging thing a bit more now

Of course, I'm just talking to myself now, since nobody knows this blog even exists, but I must admit I'm kind of digging it. I guess this would be the "blathering" referenced in the blog title. Ordered a new blog design from a pro, so this blog site should be actual soon. Just uploaded my book cover and bio/pic to the blog. That seems awfully hubris-laden, but I guess that's what a blog really is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No shit no one knows this blog exists.......ya might want to tell your fucking marketing rep!'re DAMN pithy.....All kinds of cool shit going on I don't even think you knew about....books in stock at places I never heard're selling books dude.....and we haven't even seen the our's yet....WTF!!! 9/11 and Home rules. I think I'll look into selling a few......